Become A Guide

Become A Guide

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Must Be In The US To Be A ChaCha Guide

I just found out today you must be in the US to be a chacha guide. I know they are planning to expand to other countries later but for now if you want to be a guide here are the qualifications:

1. Must be 18 or older
2. Must be in the US
3. Must have a high speed broad band connection dsl or cable
4. Must have 30MB free for install purposes
5. Must be able to run Java

If you have these qualifications and want a real work at home opportunity, please leave a comment with your first name and email address. Please make sure you are willing to work and not just join because it sounds cool. I only get a limited number of invites and if they are wasted then I do not get any credit for there use.

I have been doing real well so far on this and so can you. I only guide a few hours each night after work and I see my earnings go up with each search. It is exciting to see how much you are making in real time. You can set a goal and meet it before you know it. So if you are looking for real honest work leave the comment, would LOVE to have you on my team.

Also if you would like to use the search bar with or without a guide please leave a comment with your first name and email. I can send you one that will add to your IE. It so good to have a human look things up for you. The searches conducted on the ChaCha bar without a guide is much better than the ones I see for Google, Yahoo, or Ask Jeeves. So do yourself a favor and add the bar.


Kjs Crafts said...

I am interested in being a ChaCha guide if you have any invites left. I just want to make sure that you can do it if you are using a Mac computer with Firefox. I do not want you to waste your invite if I am not going to be able to help out because of my computer. I do meet all the requirements you listed in your post, so I am assuming that the Mac thing is not a problem.


Anonymous said...

hey,i seen the blog and i am interested as well.i do have the high speed internet through cable and my pc meets the minimum requirements.the email is:
Dark Blessings,
Hecate's witch)O(